Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm almost done here in Denver for the year. It's crazy. It's went by so fast, especially the School of Worship. We just have two jam-packed weeks left. We listened to our CD the other night, and it sounds pretty good. My song is the closing song and I'm definitely pleased with how well it turned out. The album name and theme is "Arise."

On the weekends and other free time during the week, a couple friends and myself have been recording some of our own stuff for fun. We set up in the Worship Center and track drums and then guitars and keys and vocals after that. It's pretty fun. We're going to try and do some more tracks before we're done here.

I feel like God has been working in me in a few areas of my life. Patience is one. I don't know exactly where I'm headed in life but I do think I have a general idea of where God has called me. Music. So, that being said, I just need to be patient and wait in anticipation as to where He places me and see what happens. It's also exciting though. I wouldn't want to know exactly where I'm headed. Where's the fun in that? So I'm just taking it one step at a time.

Also, I feel like I need to take risks and live outside of the world's norm. I don't mean being stupid, but I mean not always being so comfortable and secure. I mean taking risks for God and living my life out in faith.

My friend and "accountability staff partner" here was out to breakfast with a few of us guys this morning and he was talking just about this. He said he thinks one of the worst places to be is on the fence - one foot with God, and one foot with the world, and just getting torn to shreds. I don't believe that's where I am right now, but I know I have been there and I sure don't want to be there. He talked about how in Numbers 13 when there are 12 Israelite spies who go and scope out the scene in the promised land that God has for them. They all come back and say that yes, it's flowing with milk and honey and it's as nice as God says it was, but there's way too many foes there, and there is no way they can conquer them. But God had already promised this land to them. Then comes Caleb.

"Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." (Num. 13:30)

Look at this guy. What a rebel. He could have just agreed with everyone else and been comfortable in his place. But he had other plans. He knew God had promised them this land. He knew God would deliver them. It didn't look easy, I'm sure. I'm sure he was a little scared. But he was convinced to go for it anyway. He was living by faith. He was living by God's strength, not His own. Being a musician may seem like a lofty, risky thing to pursue. There's a risk that I may not make a lot of money. But if that's where God has called me, then I'm more than willing to take that risk. I want to be a Caleb.

Here's a few pictures of us recording and how we're set up. It's pretty fun.


Unknown said...

Hey Chris, thanks for the update. Fence sitting def not a "comfort zone", so why do we so often choose to stay there?

Looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks!

katherina said...

hiii Chris, i dont speak english but I try for you ok?? i'm spanish girl and I have my DTS here in Spain but is bilinguel, then i think that I can write something... ok ok I go!!
I only want to say, that its true we have to live with God strength not our own, and walk by faith... step by step, because we have manyyyy promises from God, and we have a purpose and a vision from He, and we can dream with he...

no te conformes nunca!!!!